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Hello, my name is Craig. I received my Masters in Social Work in 2022, after which, I set on a journey to achieve a dream of opening affordable, sober living centers for people suffering from substance abuse and mental health disorders. Proof (The book of life) is the vehicle that will hopefully allow this dream to be realized. Proceeds from sales will be used to fund the centers.  Please consider helping us achieve this goal, by purchasing your copy of PROOF!

Why This, Why Now?

Here I sit at my desk finally attempting to write this book that I feel God has intended for me to write. There are many reasons why I feel this way and hopefully as you experience this book; you will see them all. I am not a trained writer and I am not a noted wise man. I am just another human in God’s world doing the best I can to thrive in this blessing called life that God has provided for us all. I have already used God’s name twice in a few sentences and the reason for this is that this book is entirely devoted to how God has worked all throughout my life to bring me here to this point. There will be many stories that as a compilation will be evidence that
God is in the details and that my life has been tied together by these evidentiary experiences. I will
follow my story up with stories of others and how they experience their conception of God with the
hope that you will someday send in stories of how your God works in your life. All of this is to
accomplish a goal of opening a Sober Living Education and Enrichment Program that is affordable
for anyone struggling with Addiction and Mental health issues. Please be a part of this and help us
help God's kids! Thank You and God Bless!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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