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Today is his day!

What I have learned during this book release process is if just walk toward the goal; God is there to encourage me and tell me that I am on the correct track. That being said, today I was out and about and had a moment of being human and I thought to myself, "is this going to work?" Then I went to a Doctor's office and a young lady I didn't recall meeting said, "Hey Craig How is the book doing?" I stepped back and said, "you know about that?" Then she said, "of course, we all bought the book." I was stunned and she said, "everyone hear just loves you." I choked up and said, "I so needed that right now you are a godsend." I walked out and said, "Thank you, God!"

There is more of my PROOF that he is in every moment! I just need to continue to walk and he will always be there with his loving kindness through grace!

How about you? Did you have any God moments today? Please share! And as always, thank you and God bless you ALL!

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