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That's what friends are for!

Hey everyone! I hope you are having a splendiferous kind of day! My thought for the day is in the title. God has put the people I love in my life for a reason. Today I was working on so much that I got overwhelmed by a bit of human fear coupled with excitement! That's a strange brew but fear and faith were at work at the same time. When someone tells you they can't be present at the same time they are fibbin'. I was in fear over how to make all the things work that I have going on but had faith that it would all work out. I was reminded of this by my buddy Scott. I say buddy but it's more like brother! I called him about a possible football trip this fall and out of my mouth spewed the fear of getting all the things I have going on to work and he gently reminded me that I am already a success! He told me that writing the book was a monumental feet for guys like us and that is enough success right there. Then he reminded me of the feedback I have gotten and how lives have been touched! I suddenly realized all of that to be true but it also allowed me to see the fear was over which future success I had to work out first! If I believe in the cause that God put on my heart then I have to believe he has my entire future as it relates to that cause all worked out; as long as I participate. The cause is to get the world talking about HIM in the next volume of PROOF. The PROOF that he lives and works in all of our lives and all we have to do is share short or long stories about what God has and/or is doing in our lives so that anyone who needs a pick me up will be able to pick up that book and find a story that relates to what they are going through and the triumph God had over that particular circumstance in your life that you chose to share. Then they can believe it's possible in their lives. So let's get to work and submit a God story in your life on this site so we can get the whole world talking about God and not war, strife, and anger! Help a brother out and let's get busy! Then I will be able to open facilities for those in need of treatment that wouldn't get it otherwise! Let's have each other's backs like my brother in this L.I.F.E. has mine. I know I have yours if you need me! Thank you for reading this and as ALWAYS, God Bless you ALL!

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