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This week has been both exhilarating and educational on many levels. It has challenged me Spiritually, Mentally and Emotionally; But; it has helped me grow in all of those areas as well. I am so grateful that I get to talk about the God I serve and love, with the hope that one simple day at a time; I am getting closer to him and his will for me. I also have had wonderful interactions with so many supportive people along this weeks portion of our journey together. That being said, taking a day to recharge and care for one's self is very important. A very wise man, my higher power once said, "give me your burdens." He also instructed me to discard all care and worry. So today I did just that! I got my massage. I ate what I wanted and I will attend a spiritual meeting this evening to hear a message and then I will come home and watch mindless television! I did make up a list of addresses that I am mailing books to per request of others. I just felt a little work toward the goal wouldn't hurt and it actually relaxed me further. All in all I have left care, worries, and burdens behind for this one day and hopefully everyday possible. This is so that I can be all I am supposed to be as a child of God. Thank You for reading this and as always God Bless you ALL!

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