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One day or one moment!

We have heard for thousands of years that we should live one day at a time! Jesus himself is quoted by folks as saying we can't handle tomorrow's worries but only todays! That would tend to let one think he meant to concentrate on living this day! The truth is he was saying much more than that. By saying today has enough of it's own worries means that we will have to manage multiple worries on occasion which means we will have to work on them in the moment. In addition, Jesus said we can't change one hair on our heads from white to black which means we will have times where even one simple single task for him is beyond our grasp! That leads this youngster to believe in bringing every single moment into captivity with God. I can't make better choices than him. I can't perform a single duty better than him and that means I can't do anything of lasting value without him. That is why God is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. That says he has the beginning and ending of each thing as well as the actual stuff in the middle that makes up the whole of that thing. This means this means God can plant an idea in my head and He can show me the end result but in the midst of carrying it out; I must allow him to show me the steps I need to take so that the result he has for me is of his will and not mine! So don't just live for today but live for the moment and find the joy of God's grace is always there! God Bless YOU ALL!

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