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Knowledge of his will is just the beginning!

Today's PROOF comes in the way of prayer and petition! When I was young and raised catholic I knew the prayers in mass and mainly the Lord's Prayer which really encapsulates everything we need on a daily basis. Then after I went to the darkside and came out the other end, I was taught to pray only for knowledge of his will for me and the power or strength to carry it out! I have heard people say throughout the years that this prayer is all you need! I beg to differ! You see I may be shown what God's will is and he will give me the power to carry it out but what if I don't know how to do it! That is where prayer in the moment comes in! Let's say that I am in school and God's will for me on a particulare day is to write a paper on a specific topic that I have no knowledge of, and as a result, fear kicks in and I get overwhelmed! Now I need four prayers. I started with knowledge of his will for me and then I need to ask that he take away my fear and then I ask that he bring me peace and finally I ask for direction on how to write the paper and that he speak through my words. I barely escaped High school and when I went back to school I used these prayers every time I had an assignment. The result, I was on the dean's list every semester and graduated my Master's program with highest honors! Then I wrote this book that I am trying to promote and it seems that folks like it a lot. I wrote and edited it over 2.2 years and had theses same fears and feelings of being underwater a lot, but, I said these prayers as I sat down each time to write and then each time to edit and boom a book! The gist of all this, just ask and you shall receive! Ask in the moment for exactly what you need and God will provide it in that exact moment. I know this because he does this for me all of the time. Now I am sure I am not more special than anyone reading this and so I know he will do it for you! I know this because I have been asking in the moment for what I need for 20 years and over time I would see it come too fruition and my faith would grow each time a little more and now I expect that it will be answered as long as it is in accordance with what he would want for me. So yes ask for the knowledge of his will and the power to carry it out and then ask that he help you along the way to carry it out! God Bless!

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