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Know my place!

Today's PROOF comes from the understanding of what my place is in God's world! I used to think I was always in control of my circumstances and knew what was best and what was best for everyone else! Just ask me and I'll tell you! Then I was humbled by the immense power of addiction! There I found that I was no more in control of my life or yours than I was over the clouds appearing in the sky! I had to learn that I was powerless and in turn I became powerful! Strange to hear that, yes? The meaning is simple when I am powerless I in turn need power and where to get that power is where I find my place! That power can only come from one source. The perfect source at that! You see when I go to God and say, "God I have no idea what to do here, please help?" He then puts his perfect works into motion and the issue gets resolved in his way and timing! Thus, I gain power by surrendering to God! The issue is then resolved, and all I had to do what say please, follow direction and thank you! My place before God simply put is, I am nothing, worth anything without him, but with him, I become a worthwhile child of God that is loved by his Father!

God Bless!

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