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Into Action!

Hello All! Today's proof is that when I get into action and encourage others things start to happen to further God's vision for my L.I.F.E! I started by accepting my first sober living client on Thursday of last week. I have helped him learn some discipline and do service work in order to get his room up to par. I was able to buy him a bed as well. I then took him to places to apply for a job and he applied at 30 plus places in three days and today he got two offers in a matter of two hours! No job; to having to choose between two! He has four months of sobriety and has grown in the last five days. He is taking it upon himself to clean at the group he attends and is working on his twelfth step with his sponsor and is taking every suggestion he is being given.

Then I made an appointment with a tremendous friend and human to further our website and add a bunch of really neat areas to it that will hopefully be finished by Sunday! Then I will be doing two podcasts per week. One is called the God Pod and the is Thriving and Vibing in Sobriety! The hope is we will build a group of folks as a part of God's family that will share in the movement we are trying to create which is the PROOF movement. This is where we are all talking about how God works in our lives so that we can all draw strength and ideas from; and a deeper understanding of whatever God we serve!

Then I found out the cost of the property I shared about regarding the first L.I.F.E center and I will be taking a walkthrough of it by Friday!

Then Monday I will be visiting churches and book stores to either drop the book off for the pastor to review and also see if bookstores will allow a reading, a signing or maybe even stocking it on their shelves. Heck, maybe all three!

All of this will be over a ten day period and it all is happening because I started taking more steps toward the vision that God gave me some 2 plus years ago when finishing my Master's degree. That vision, to offer sober living in a healthy and affordable environment for all!

My God is so Good and so very BIG! How about yours? Take some steps toward something you have been putting aside or procrastinating about and watch what God will do as long as what you are doing aligns with his will for you. In case you are curious what that is, well, it's simple! Do good not bad and do right nor wrong! Good luck and GOD BLESS!

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