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I get to!

Today's PROOF comes in the way of getting too rather than having too! I remember for years feeling like life was a burden full of things I had to do! I had to pay bills, I had to go to work, I had to clean the car and house, I had to and to an to! Even in my first years of sobriety I still felt this way about a bunch of things! Then I was sat down and taught the true humility that comes in the way of gratitude! There was a time when I slept in my car and worse. I couldn't go five minutes without being high in some way, shape or form! I would whine and whine and no one would listen! Could you blame them? Of course not, they had their own lives to work through! But, once it was put to me that life is all about being grateful for whatever you may have as a blessing from God. I remember my first sober apartment! It was in an old sea side hotel converted into what they called condominiums. There were two rooms. One was the kitchen, living room and dining room. The other was the bedroom and you could fit my bed and a dresser with a foot of walking space between them. The space was on point as it had long shag carpet!LOL My brother bought me a 13 inch black and white TV and I was driving a 12 yr old Isuzu pup pickup with 187000 miles on it. I could actually see the road beneath my feet as I drove. It had no air and vinyl seats. This was august at that time and the temps were in the 90's, and I had to wear a suit to my new job. The old me would have been whining all day and all night but this new me that took form after being taught the get too, was so deeply grateful to have it all. I got to have a place to live, I got to have a vehicle that took me to a job that I got to go to. I got to earn money to pay for it all and I got to eat, and the most important part is, I didn't have to be a burden to anyone. God taught me through my first sponsor that true gratitude contains the humility to realize just how blessed we are to be alive in God's universe. Things and stuff can make life livable or a burden. The difference between the two is the realization of how lucky we are to be blessed with anything we get to borrow from God. I don't own a house. Instead, I live in the house God rents me. I don't own a car. I drive a car that God gave me to drive. All of the stuff and things in this world are blessings that are his to give and when we realize we are blessed, we are in a space called gratitude which is driven by humility. Humility is not an F word it is a state of being that enables us to receive God's Grace and Mercy! Start and end each ay with telling God how grateful you are for everything in your lie and watch how your life and attitude changes forever to the good! God Bless!

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