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Humbled by love

You know when I started out writing this book I had no idea where it was going to go if anywhere. I don't know if it is going anywhere still but I have faith it will go to people who need it or want it. I got humbled today by a bunch of folks who got the book and posted they are reading it and loving it. Then my cousin who admitted he probably hasn't read an entire book in his adult life except technical manuals emailed me that he got it already read it and feels closer to me than ever. I mean this is the payoff. Sure I want the world to read it and make enough money to open my first LIFE center but it may just be a source for others to relate. My very first girlfriend from age 14 got it and said she is suffering with depression and is hoping she might get a hope shot from it and I told her that she might just get that considering my own mental health struggles during my active addiction. The point is that God told me through these people that the book will be what it will be in his hands for his purpose whatever that may be and any expectation other than that would be selfish. I surrendered every time I sat down to write and surrendered every time I sat down to edit. I always asked that he speak through me and help me edit it as I couldn't afford an editor. I have have a few people say there are a few errors and I told them I bet. I am grateful to see them so I can fix them but I do hope they get something from the experience. There may be a message in there for them and whatever that may be; will be between them and their God. Just as God has directed and taught me through all of you. Thank you for reading this you fine folks and as always God Bless you ALL!

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