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How fortunate we are!

Hello ALL! Today's PROOF is all about remembering to stay grounded in the fact that God has made a way for us if we choose it; and the idea that we should always be grateful! We must always consider where we are and if it could be worse and if we are upright and breathing it is a good day! We as a group are saying so long to two members who passed way to early but they died with the disease of addiction and not from it! We who have the disease must always work hard to stay focused and forward thinking and seeking God at all times. The more we do, the better we recover. These two folks passed sober! Both were wonderful humans and will be missed. I do know that I will see them when my time comes! I take comfort in the fact that this earthly realm is temporary and the life to come is eternal because God is eternal. This means I can always stay grateful knowing that I am eventually entering the place of eternal peace. That is why I have a close and personal relationship with My God that told me directly; that if I turn to him and try to live as he would want me to; I will live for eternity with him! Not a bad housemate to have for eternity; don't ya think? LOL

I do and that is why I am always grateful. Even at my worst moments, I still have eternity to look forward to and how could I not be grateful. God loves us! Just let him! God Bless!

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