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He's at it again!

Ok God is having a day today! I just got word that all my business filings and formation will cost several hundred dollars. I was like whew! Then I looked at my bills and bank account for what is coming up and I happened upon my Credit Card and apparently I had a ton of points and they just converted to that exact amount for the business with an additional 75 dollars to go toward the mailing of all the books I got requests for! Again ,God doing for me in ways I would have never thought of! This is what my book(PROOF The Book of LIFE is all about) Come share your story next week when we launch the website. Stay Tuned for more God inspired moments! Thank you for reading this and God Bless you ALL!

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Staci Fluary
Staci Fluary
02 de jun.

So excited to watch your journey!

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