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Guess who's Birthday! And no not mine!

A year and 9 months ago I came home one evening and a lil 3 month old pup was on my front porch. I couldn't just let stay out there so I brought her in and gave her the name of duchess because at the time I had Lady and Princess! Duchess was a mess for quite a while! She ate holes in walls and tore up a spare ghetto mattress I had. She has since calmed and has become daddy's little girl. She tends to use me as a couch and licks and eats everything!

About six months ago she got in the neighbors back yard and I brought her back home. The very next minute that neighbor comes to my door saying she was his dog that he thought he lost and he paid $300 for her! I told him well I have had her for a year and 3 months so I am not giving her up. I then offered to pay him half and he accepted. They are not good pet owners and several dogs have died or suddenly disappeared on their watch.

I am so grateful that this pup graced my porch with her presence and change mine and her sister's lives for the good; forever! Now we share a birthday and I couldn't be happier to share it with any human more than I do with her. The point of this story is that you never know when God is going to show up and give you a precious gift that you weren't expecting and maybe even not wanting. So be on the look out for God gracing your presence in many forms cuz his spirit is alive and well, EVERYWHERE! Thank you for reading this and God BLESS You ALL!

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