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God showed out today!

Hello ALL! Today's PROOF is obvious and awesome! So I took in my first sober living client and he has been here 13 days and has yet to find a job! Also, I wanted to add a second one by the end of the month! Neither of these things were happening so rather than do the stress and worry thing, I did what I have been sharing with all of you! I asked God to help that young man find a job and please send a second client if I am on the correct track with providing affordable sober living! Well, I was waiting in line at Starbucks and I posted on Facebook that I had another room available! I then went to pick up that young man from a failed attempt to donate blood and as God would have it he answered both prayers in the 30 minutes between when I asked and when we got back to the house. We walked in the house and he got a call that he was hired for a position and they want to start him on Thursday! Then I got a flourish of private Facebook messages of people wanting to move into that room. I took them in first come first serve order and the first one was someone that I sponsored a couple of years ago. I am familiar with him and he knows what is expected and he is moving in Friday! Like I shared yesterday, ask in the moment for what you need and if it is in accordance with his will for you, it will happen! Today I asked, and it happened! That tells me I am on the correct path! To top it off I have six people who want a place and as God would have it, I have an appointment to walk through a potential full blown LIFE Center! I can't say tonight that it will happen but I am excited and encouraged by God for helping me see that I am doing what he would have me do; and it DOES NOT get any BETTER than that! Stay Tuned and God Bless you ALL!

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