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Fortunate Son

Hello All! I have to say that no matter what I am going through in this life and no matter how challenging and immediately frightening it may be, I will be just fine! I know this because of the many difficulties I have had in the past, whether recent or long ago, anything today pales in comparison. Why you ask? Well thank you for asking and the reason is, that even if I were facing death, which I have in sobriety due to a collapsed esophagus and lung. I will remember God got me through all that! Even if it were my time, I could face that with grace and dignity as an example to others of God's love and power, as he accepts me into his kingdom. The point is we all have had pain and difficult times and even if you have only had a few, if you add them up, you can draw on the combined knowledge of said experiences and see that you made it through and can make it through whatever this new challenge is. Just lean into God and stay as surrendered to his will as possible during each moment of each day and he will supply you with the faith and courage necessary to get through the trial. This way you can share it with another, so that they may find that same courage and faith supplied by God. Thus, more and more folks will see his power and turn to it more and more. This brings joy to his heart. God loves our recognized weaknesses as it allows him to shine and show out for all to see, and maybe, just maybe, the world will start talking about him and the good he performs in this experiment of earthly dwelling. That is all life is, a dwelling for a time, to be purified for God's kingdom and purification in life and in spiritual matters alike, requires some level of heat! God BLESS you ALL!

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