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Doing for me what I would never have thought to do!

I was at a recovery meeting and ran into an old timer. For those not involved in this world that is someone with an enormous amount of sobriety. This individual has well over 40 years of sobriety! He said, "You'll never guess what happened? I was just at the house looking for your book and wanting to start reading it and apparently my wife has had it and has been reading it for a while and wouldn't give it to me. She then told me she ordered one for a very close relative in prison so that individual could possibly hear a message that they needed to hear." I was dumfounded to say the least! This then led to a conversation with one of my closest friends who is a lawyer and he told me to give it to an individual he knows that could possibly get the book into prison commissaries in the state. How awesome would that be!

Now as if that weren't enough I ran into a friend who was telling another that can't hardly put the book down just as I came up behind them. To be clear this isn't me bragging about me. This is me sharing that God inspired this book and wrote through me. I promise, I am not all of that! But it is my responsibility to share what God keeps doing so that you may share what your God is doing with and for you and those around you!

Once, Again! Thank you for reading this and God Bless you ALL!

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