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Today's PROOF comes in the way of brother and sisterhood of man and woman! I met tonight with five other folks that I either work with in spiritual matters or those they work with! We decided to do a 12 week study of the 12 steps but with a twist! We are using the twelve steps and twelve traditions book and going one step at a time but we are having a different person present each week and the idea is to find concepts in the step they are assigned in that book; and then find out what the bible says about those same concepts! Today being step 1 we discussed a lot about powerlessness and the main point we really got into discussion about was How powerless we are over everything from the standpoint that anything I do have some power over God can do it better! This brought me personally to the point where Jesus was being hit, whipped, cut with thorns and nailed to a cross and how powerless he was in those moments! The onlookers looked at him and said if you are the son of god come off that cross which in the sense of power to do so he may have been able to do, but, he knew that his father's plan was better! His plan was by sacrificing his son, the only way to heaven was going to be through him. So even though Jesus endured so much he then became the gate through which we all must pass to gain access to his father and to heaven. This brought glory to him and his Father for eternity. So I know any pain or discomfort or challenge I go through today can be used greatly for the Father's better plan. My pain is temporary but if it used to help others it then becomes powerful. So I encourage you to take hold of whatever difficulty that is before you and know that the sooner you share it with others to ease their burden the sooner your burden will be eased and a great sense of gratitude will come over you along with an increased intimacy with God! God Bless!

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