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Challenging day!

Today's PROOF comes in the way of honesty through a challenging day! I am trying to build something and it is going super slow! I have spent a ton of money in trying to make it go and I am at a point where it needs to start going, if you get my drift. I am unable to start podcasting as I don't know yet how to archive and actually do one and post to all manner of media. As a result, the initial book surge has ended at 145 which I have learned is more than most who start out unknown. So thank you to all who have purchased it! I am now praying for the next direction with all of this and the sober living establishment! I keep moving forward but it's challenging at times when I lean on my own understanding of the situation and subtly fear seeps in. I am just as fallible as anyone but today I am a child of God loved by God! Therefore, I may not be able to see the forest through the trees but God has a path through to the other side, no matter how circuitous it may be. To which I will be able to stand on the other side and see the whole forest and be humbled and amazed at how he brought me through! This I know because of how he has brought me through many forests over the years and I remain unscathed! I may get scratched now and again because I fight his direction but mostly I sit in amazement of how wonderfully the ultimate painter, paints the tapestry of my life! I will continue to walk with purpose until I can no longer breathe and when that day comes, I will enter eternity and continue! Always continue in faith my friends, Jesus did!

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