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Hello ALL! You know living was once a b=very difficulty thing for me and most assuredly chaotic. Today my Good life is a direct result of the God I love exuding himself out of me and into the world. Well as long as I stay out of his way that is. 95% of the time I am way out of his way because the pain, the anxiety, the fear, the sadness, the hopelessness and on and on, are just so terrible otherwise. Today I have none of those things all that much and its because I learned that in all my terror and terribleness, God still loved me enough to pull me out of the bitter morass and into the sweet sound of his precious song that infiltrated my heart! God Bless you ALL!

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Hello ALL! A slow weekend so not much to report except a couple folks promoting my book online without me asking, so that was awesome. I left the now two year old pit bull Duchess out in the house while I was gone with her big sister Princess, and they did great. That is awesome! Tonight she will sleep out in the main part of the house instead of her bedroom which I know will be a success because I will ask God for it as I did when I left them alone for two hours. Sometimes you just have to look at the small things to see a big GOD! I have a wonderful life of happenings that God continues to guide and keep safe! How could I not talk about him! The END! God Bless!

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Hello ALL! So I started the book so that I could sell them and make enough money to open low cost sober living centers called LIFE Centers! The book sales have completely stalled and that is ok. I sold 143 and that is a miracle in it's own right. I may never sell another copy but that isn't the point I wrote a book and published it and that is another miracle. Then today I accepted my first sober living client for my pilot program. That just means I am testing my program out on up to three people in my house. This will allow me to tweak any parts of the program that I need to. So even without a ton of book sales I am still walking toward the vision of what God showed me. Then I was driving home this evening and I passed a home that I once looked at as a possible first center. I lost out as someone bought it over a year ago to turn into and events center. Well it is back on the market and I believe it will be my first center. I don't know the way he has for me to achieve it but I know he has a way! I was bummed when I missed out on it but now there is a second chance to make it happen. That is the kind of God I serve. The door of the book is temporarily closed as sales have stopped but then the door of a LIFE Center opened. Now I will walk toward that goal one step at a time! I do know that it is going to happen because I thought to myself last night as I drove by, that I missed out. Only to drive by it today and it's for sale. There are no coincidences in God's world. Like I share in my book they are called God Incidences and my life and subsequent book are full of them! God Bless you ALL!

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