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Hello All! Today's PROOF is just a simple case of being blessed beyond anything I deserve! I took a puppy in 1 and a half years ago that just happened to show up on my front porch! Her name is duchess and she is an adorable Pitbull! I couldn't get her in a kennel, so I gave her a room in the house and she ate it! Seriously she ate holes in the walls! Now she lives in the main part of the house and is well behaved. She just needed to get the puppy out of her! The blessing is that today three men I work with in recovery all volunteered 7.5 hours of their Saturday away from their families; all so they could help me fix the room. They did this with enthusiasm and for fun and for free!

No one would ever lift a hand to help me most of my first 30 years on the marble but they do now. The reason for that is I was once told if you want others to put a hand out to you, then you have to start putting your hand out first! I was taught to be there for others and make them feel appreciated and loved. I am human and incapable of doing that on my own. Like I said I was an addict and alcoholic which translates to me being self centered to the extreme! Therefore I had to ask God to give me the desire to love his children as he commanded in his book. Then i started putting my hand out wherever possible and as a result others always seem to be there when I need it! God changed this selfish person into someone that others want to help out of the love their God has put in their hearts! This such a better way to live and I will continue to do it as long as I am able! I know you will too! God Bless!

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Hello ALL! Today's PROOF comes in the way of an OPEN mind! I remember for most of my life thinking that whatever I thought or concluded was the truth of a thing. I assumed I knew what I and others needed out of misguided arrogance. The reality is that this manner of thinking almost cost me my life and relationships with many others I loved; and it did cause many meaningful relationships to drift beyond repair. The interesting thing is that it was the collapse of my whole world because of this thinking that led me to a life that I could never have imagined! When I finally surrendered to this way of life and thinking, I was able to open my mind to what is possible in this experience on the blue marble. All I had to do was just start trying. I started by finding someone to teach me a better way to live! That process opened my mind to a loving God who became my answer to everything. That first man opened the door and then many men and women have come since to enhance my journey. All of whom were necessary whether they were positive or negative; to bring me to this place of peaceful rest in the arms of a loving God! A god that provides direction and answers in many forms. Some are subtle and some are BAM in my face. Some are in direct conversation and some are just me sitting back and paying attention to what others share or go through, and the way they do it! MY God has opened my mind more and more each and everyday! This works because I became open minded to listen as only the dying could be! Now you don't have to be on the precipice of death as I was! You could just simply start asking God to show you a better way in one area and watch as he does it, and your faith will grow! Then you will become more willing to ask for his power! Suddenly, the overwhelming evidence becomes irrefutable. The best part is that not only does your faith grow but your relationship with your God becomes more intimate than any relationship you may ever have here in this life! God Bless!

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Hello ALL! Today's PROOF is a first for me! I have a big brother that is 9 years my senior and I look up to him in many ways. He is super successful and was always the one to be there in my darkest hours of my addiction and also when my health took a terrible turn 14 years ago! He is good, strong, caring man that whenever I need advice I call him! Well today the table's turned for the first time ever! He called and asked me my thoughts and advice on something that he was dealing with! The situation wasn't dire but I had a lot of experience in this particular area and he sought me out for advice! There was a time when he told me that he couldn't even have a conversation with me and more importantly, he didn't want to have one, at all! Well some 26 years later I got to be there for him and there is only one way that change could happen; GOD! The God who I try to understand everyday changed me and I became someone that the man I look up to the most would turn to me for advice! That is certainly a miracle! There was a time no one would ever come to me for anything and today through God's grace, I have one day a time, become someone worth confiding in and someone who can be trusted for guidance! That is not a story just for me! We all can always have daily miracles occur if we remain willing to reach out to God and let him have his way with us! His way will always be the best way and the way of miracles! God Bless!

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