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Today is obviously Sunday and usually that would mean not much going on and not much to say but my God had other plans and those were to remind me of how deep, hi high, how far and how wide his love is! Explaining God immense love is so difficult because humans can't achieve that level of perfect love but what we can do is share the love we see and feel when we see and feel it. That is how my God wants me to live! To try and share from a place of love what is shared with me. Today I got reminded of what he has done in my life. Today I am happy to report that 120 books are now in circulation which is exciting to me because it's been 5 weeks since it went live. The loving support I feel from those who purchased it or brought it to me to sign or commented on it or helped or should I say created this site. To those who all along the last two years reminded me of my goal and kept me focused and believing God had something for me to share. To the healing that came as a result of writing it and editing it ten times. Yep, I said ten. Man it's hard to read about yourself 240 pages ten times in a year. That's like 2400 pages man that was rough but worth it in the end because God loved me enough to keep me going so that I could heal more and share with others so that they may relate and start sharing their stories so that still others won't feel alone and most of all he reminded me that it was his love that took a wretch like me; changed me; and continues to mold me as if I was a piece of metal in the hot fire of a blacksmith. The metal gets hot but doesn't burn away it just become malleable enough so that he could mold me into the tool he would have me be. I have also learned that my past can tell my future. My past used to say you are worthless. Now my past says this is what you were poor at and you can take that and change it through God's grace and then share it so others can see that they are not alone and can triumph over their past. That is what I say to you! You are not alone and we as a brother and sisterhood can change the narrative of society and bring a deep, high, far and wide love to each other by sharing our pain, our challenges, our success and our triumphs. This is our opportunity to change the world one story at a time.! Thank you for reading this and as always, God Bless you ALL!

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This week has been both exhilarating and educational on many levels. It has challenged me Spiritually, Mentally and Emotionally; But; it has helped me grow in all of those areas as well. I am so grateful that I get to talk about the God I serve and love, with the hope that one simple day at a time; I am getting closer to him and his will for me. I also have had wonderful interactions with so many supportive people along this weeks portion of our journey together. That being said, taking a day to recharge and care for one's self is very important. A very wise man, my higher power once said, "give me your burdens." He also instructed me to discard all care and worry. So today I did just that! I got my massage. I ate what I wanted and I will attend a spiritual meeting this evening to hear a message and then I will come home and watch mindless television! I did make up a list of addresses that I am mailing books to per request of others. I just felt a little work toward the goal wouldn't hurt and it actually relaxed me further. All in all I have left care, worries, and burdens behind for this one day and hopefully everyday possible. This is so that I can be all I am supposed to be as a child of God. Thank You for reading this and as always God Bless you ALL!

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So today's experience was subtle yet just as big! In my book I talk in the very first section about the three choices I had which were to work in the addiction field or open a sober living home or follow the dream of writing the book. The first two fell by the wayside and the book became the mission. Well the treatment field one left when after contacting the owner of the treatment center I was brought to Texas to work at said he wanted me to send him my resume and ut me in contact with the director which I heard from and then she subsequently cancelled our meeting and I never heard from them again. I have no ill will as it was God that led me down the book road by blocking those other two. Well, the other day I thought to myself let me contact him on Linkedin and get his address so I could send him a book as a thank you. The reason for the thank you is that I would never have been brought to Texas and live the life I have lived which is most of the book. I hadn't heard from him at all and then I decided to just pull up the address of one of his treatment centers and just mail it there and hope he gets it. I did that and was about to go mail it when my phone dinged and it was him apologizing for not getting me back to him sooner which of course was fine and then he gave me the correct address to send it so it would get to him! The address was totally different and this happened as I was about to walk out the door. At very least I was saved a lot of time but more importantly he will get my thank you which I know matters to me. The more gratitude for all things past, present and future; the more peace I get. Plus, he gets to hear that he changed my life for the better even if it took a few minutes or years. My dear friends, always be ready to listen cuz God will come to you when you least expect it.

After this I saw someone post one of their God stories from the other day which was all about the timing he had in showing out in her life! That made her sharing about timing perfect for me to share about God's timing in my life.

We are on the correct track now let's hear more God stories or God winks as a great friend of mine refers to them as. Please put them on the site you may help someone with your life experience! Once again, stay ready by doing the next right thing in front of you!

Thank you for reading this and as always God Bless You ALL!

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