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A year and 9 months ago I came home one evening and a lil 3 month old pup was on my front porch. I couldn't just let stay out there so I brought her in and gave her the name of duchess because at the time I had Lady and Princess! Duchess was a mess for quite a while! She ate holes in walls and tore up a spare ghetto mattress I had. She has since calmed and has become daddy's little girl. She tends to use me as a couch and licks and eats everything!

About six months ago she got in the neighbors back yard and I brought her back home. The very next minute that neighbor comes to my door saying she was his dog that he thought he lost and he paid $300 for her! I told him well I have had her for a year and 3 months so I am not giving her up. I then offered to pay him half and he accepted. They are not good pet owners and several dogs have died or suddenly disappeared on their watch.

I am so grateful that this pup graced my porch with her presence and change mine and her sister's lives for the good; forever! Now we share a birthday and I couldn't be happier to share it with any human more than I do with her. The point of this story is that you never know when God is going to show up and give you a precious gift that you weren't expecting and maybe even not wanting. So be on the look out for God gracing your presence in many forms cuz his spirit is alive and well, EVERYWHERE! Thank you for reading this and God BLESS You ALL!

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So sorry for not being here everyday! I have been in bed with a stomach virus since Wednesday and so it's been a week since my last post. As you read this I suggest you read the last post from a week ago as this one is the culmination of that one. That being said; I did wait on the car deal and sure enough it was God who told me to wait through that doubtful feeling the Holy spirit puts on us when we aren't supposed to do something. Some folks say it is a gut feeling others say fear. I say God is speaking to me through his spirit within me!

I woke up Monday morning and asked God to make a clear path for the car situation as my car was getting worse by the minute and was completely unsafe. Then I drank coffee and texted the Mercedes dealer and the car was gone. I said out loud, "no need to worry about that one anymore." I then decided to go to see my old boss who runs a Nissan dealership.

But first, it's important to understand that this while proof journey started with a woman telling me I needed to right down all these God stories that would happen constantly. What I didn't put in the book was that they were always preceded by me seeing red cardinals in waves. That is significant because a person once told me that meant money was coming or a message was coming. This happened right before every single one of these God showing out moments! Now back to the car!

I got dressed and got in the car and drive off. I then realized that I hadn't looked to see if the garage door closed. I turned around and saw a cardinal fly right in front of me which was awesome except it made me miss the garage door again and so I had to drive back around to check the garage and a different cardinal flew right in front of me! I took that as God telling me I was on track. I went to the dealer and had they bring up a car that I was willing to drive. The salesman told me there was hail damage on every car in the lot. I was willing to accept a few dings but when he brought it up it was A LOT! I decided that wasn't smart. I needed to go to the bathroom and so he told there was one inside of the new car showroom. I went in and there was this fully loaded Black Altima and it was inside so there wasn't a single ding. I thought to myself this would be nice but I don't know if I can afford it. Then I thought maybe I will lease it. Well, the car with dings would be financed at 585 a month for 72 months and that was pushing my willingness to pull the trigger especially with the hail damage. I told the manager to run a lease which are much harder to qualify for credit wise and he came back with a payment of $560 for 3 years. I giggled because God just showed out after telling me to wait! I went in and signed up. I was walking out and my old boss the General Manager comes up to me and tells me to come back in. I went back in and the payment went down $33.00 to $530.00. Now I laughed inside as it was obvious that I went to buy a super dinged up lower level model and left with fully loaded version for $55 less per month and 3 years less in payment terms. Oh and by the way; I called an insurance agent and the $600 plus monthly bill my company was going to charge me was only going to be $298 per month with them so not only did I get a bad booty car for less; my overall monthly outlay went down $387 per month instead of up $100. Plus I was there so long that I sold 4 books. Then while I was sick on the couch all week someone bought 5 books.

God is real and he is right here and right now for all of us! We just need to train ourselves to listen to that still small voice, do the footwork required, consult with friends that have knowledge in the area we are dealing with and humble ourselves before God and say, "I can't, YOU can, please help!" And he will do the rest. Tell me I am wrong after this and any other story you would like me to share with you. Oh wait I did that already in PROOF the Book of L.I.F.E! Shameless plug I know! Live laugh and love folks. I thank you for reading this and God BLESS you ALL!

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Hey everyone! So my car has 230,000 plus miles on it and needs a bunch of work that the endurance warranty company is trying to not pay for. I started looking at cars and came across a gem 2016 Mercedes with only 6,000 miles on it but it would require a secondary market warranty. Then I looked at a brand new Altima which is the same car I have now. I talked to a good friend who is a car guy and then I talked to myself as I was a car guy at one point and then I spoke to a trusted friend and I am stuck on what to do. The insurance is much higher on the new car and overall budget increase between the two is $100 per month. I sat here scratching my head and the still small voice said just wait. I am not done with this yet! I assume God wants me to wait because there is never a normal life situation that needs to be answered right now! I may want an answer right now but I can wait; especially if I am not at peace with whatever I am encountering. Those cars will be there tomorrow and if not there will always be another good deal. I choose to wait on God when I am not 100% sure. I then let him provide the answer. I have done all the footwork on this that could possibly required and I will leave the result up to him and just wait. Then suddenly peace returns as nothing else in my life is stressful and that is because I try to live this way everyday. He will answer always on time and not a minute before or after. I mean he is perfect after all; so it makes sense! Thank you all for reading this and God Bless you ALL!

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