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Hello All! I have to say that no matter what I am going through in this life and no matter how challenging and immediately frightening it may be, I will be just fine! I know this because of the many difficulties I have had in the past, whether recent or long ago, anything today pales in comparison. Why you ask? Well thank you for asking and the reason is, that even if I were facing death, which I have in sobriety due to a collapsed esophagus and lung. I will remember God got me through all that! Even if it were my time, I could face that with grace and dignity as an example to others of God's love and power, as he accepts me into his kingdom. The point is we all have had pain and difficult times and even if you have only had a few, if you add them up, you can draw on the combined knowledge of said experiences and see that you made it through and can make it through whatever this new challenge is. Just lean into God and stay as surrendered to his will as possible during each moment of each day and he will supply you with the faith and courage necessary to get through the trial. This way you can share it with another, so that they may find that same courage and faith supplied by God. Thus, more and more folks will see his power and turn to it more and more. This brings joy to his heart. God loves our recognized weaknesses as it allows him to shine and show out for all to see, and maybe, just maybe, the world will start talking about him and the good he performs in this experiment of earthly dwelling. That is all life is, a dwelling for a time, to be purified for God's kingdom and purification in life and in spiritual matters alike, requires some level of heat! God BLESS you ALL!

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Hello All! I was struck today by some comments about not having enough and I was reminded of a time when I was without shelter, without money and without hope! Then through one miracle after another, that changed. My brother found me and told me I could live in my parents retirement village in an 8 x 8 room with just enough room to sleep in. I had three months to get on my feet and in my own place. I needed a job and my sponsor recommended I go work for a cleaning company to gain humility. You know big shot like me cleaning toilets. Big shot is the funny part of that statement. I went and met with the woman who ran it and she asked for my resume which I found odd and then she read it. She immediately told me to go meet her husband that ran car dealerships. I though that was more humiliating than cleaning toilets. I mean car salesman and lawyers were about as slimy as I thought one could be. Well I got hired and became a wiz at car sales and at the end of three months, I was able to move into a two room apartment which was seasonal by the ocean. This place was once a ghetto hotel. It had shag carpet and the kitchen, living room and dining room were one room about 10 x 12 and a tiny bedroom that my bed just barely fit. My brother also loaned me a a 1987 Isuzu pickup with 187,000 miles on it and you could see the road through the floor boards and it had vinyl seating and no AC. This was august and it was hot and humid. I had to wear a suit on top of that. Then a few months later my bankrupt butt was given a chance to buy a used car with a 416 credit score. This happened because my boss hated the truck and didn't want it disgracing his dealership so he called in favors at Ford Credit. I went from homeless to a shag carpet room and a small car and never felt more accomplished in my entire life. I had a lot of success before addiction really took hold and none of it came close to meaning what this little apartment and car did.

The point is enough is what we have if we look at it from the perspective of having nothing which any one of us can have happen at a moments notice. When I got diagnosed with MS and was out of work, I would have been homeless if it weren't for my brother once more. The thing is that not everyone has a brother and in the case of sudden illness anyone can be without resources and hope in just a weeks time! What then? Then we lean on God and stay close and he will provide just like he did for me in those instances.


I now Own a home and have a brand new car that I just love; mainly cuz it has gadgets. I have two pups that love me and a family that adores me and friends who truly have my back. I came from nothing to what I have now and in some folks eyes; what I have now would be considered just a little but in other folks eyes I have the world. That is why I stay humble and grounded before God as I know all of what I have is his and he allows me to use it so that I may serve him to the best of my ability! So please; stay grateful for whatever you have and lean into God EVERY day and all things will added to you according to his riches. Maybe not Gold, Jewels and Money but maybe a golden peaceful bejeweled heart!


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We have heard for thousands of years that we should live one day at a time! Jesus himself is quoted by folks as saying we can't handle tomorrow's worries but only todays! That would tend to let one think he meant to concentrate on living this day! The truth is he was saying much more than that. By saying today has enough of it's own worries means that we will have to manage multiple worries on occasion which means we will have to work on them in the moment. In addition, Jesus said we can't change one hair on our heads from white to black which means we will have times where even one simple single task for him is beyond our grasp! That leads this youngster to believe in bringing every single moment into captivity with God. I can't make better choices than him. I can't perform a single duty better than him and that means I can't do anything of lasting value without him. That is why God is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. That says he has the beginning and ending of each thing as well as the actual stuff in the middle that makes up the whole of that thing. This means this means God can plant an idea in my head and He can show me the end result but in the midst of carrying it out; I must allow him to show me the steps I need to take so that the result he has for me is of his will and not mine! So don't just live for today but live for the moment and find the joy of God's grace is always there! God Bless YOU ALL!

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