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Hello All! So today I woke up to another wall coming up and began to get a little frustrated! I have run into 4 walls this week with sober living house! I had a second person commit and then back out when I woke up this morning. They told me that after talking with God and their counselor they decided to wait until he had a year sober which is in two months. He asked if it would be available then and I told him, "I have another person ready to move in if he didn't want it. I also told him that I can't speak for God but you would be moving into a much more stable environment and given a sober living education and enrichment program to enhance your sobriety!" I told him it was up to him. Then my phone rang and a dear friend who is helping me with this website called me to see what changes I wanted to make! She sensed my tension and asked what was up. I told her that I have run into those 4 walls this week! She let me vent and then she told me that god is just waiting to see how I behave in the eye of adversity! I finished chatting with her and put my phone down. Two seconds later I received a text from the person who backed out. They told me that after talking with their counselor again, they agreed with my assessment! The counselor hadn't thought about the emotional health dynamics of moving here and saw the value in it. He then asked if he could still move in and of course I giggled under my breath and told him yes! The giggle was simply seeing God do his thing. I got frustrated so he sent me an angel to vent to and straighten me out. This so I could remember that anything of value takes effort and there will be road blocks and those are the opportunities to grow closer to God! I got the message and then he stepped in and made it happen immediately! This is how my God works in the moment I am in and not in the past or the future. Right Here Right NOW! God Bless!

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Hello ALL! Today's is as follows. I am exhausted. My head is throbbing! My neck and back hurt! Things didn't go the way I had hoped today! I am at a surrender point in certain areas of my LIFE! God I love you and thank you for all of this! Even in challenges and pain I am grateful to you for your loving kindness and the ability to use this all as an opportunity to grow even closer to you. You are the answer always and how awesome is that! God Bless!

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Hello ALL! As some may know I started working on the sober living program I created with individuals at my home as I seek a place to purchase! Today, I was going to the central office of a recovery program. This is the place we pick up literature for our groups and such! I took the young man staying at my house with me. He had 5 months sober yesterday! While there I shared that with the lady helping us and she was really excited for him! We paid and left and we got all the way down the hall to the exit when she came in the hall and asked if he got a 5 month coin for his 5 months. These aren't common here, especially at our home group. For those that aren't familiar that is the place you go to meetings most. This is the place you feel most at home. Hence the name! Anyway, he went back in and got his coin which he would never had gotten had he not come with me today! When we got to the car I shared with him that I was once going with people from our group to bring a meeting into a treatment program. This was a place we went to three days a week. I shared with him that on the day I had five months, I was sharing that fact with the clients of the treatment center and when I was done, a man at the meeting with 25 years leaned over and told me to walk with him to his car when we were done! After the meeting I went with him and he leaned in and picked something up. He turned and he happened to have a 5 month chip with him in his car and he gave it to me! He we were, two guys getting five months, 12 years apart, and we had the same experience! I told him that was God showing out for us both today! He reminded me of the grace I received on five months and he received that same grace today. He would not have had that happen unless he was staying in my house and went with me today. This reaffirmed both of our sobriety journey's and reassured me that I was on the correct path with sober living. God is so smart, don't ya think? Rhetorical! God Bless!

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